Job Duties Custom List 19-1023.00 — Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists

  • Disseminate information by writing reports and scientific papers or journal articles, and by making presentations and giving talks for schools, clubs, interest groups and park interpretive programs.
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Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV

42 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
33419-4061.00Social Science Research Assistants Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
33519-3032.00Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Bright Outlook
24415-1299.04Penetration Testers Bright Outlook
23419-3099.01Transportation Planners
23519-3033.00Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Bright Outlook
22519-3011.00Economists Bright Outlook
22419-4099.03Remote Sensing Technicians
22519-1021.00Biochemists and Biophysicists Bright Outlook
22519-3051.00Urban and Regional Planners
13519-3041.00Sociologists Bright Outlook
12419-2021.00Atmospheric and Space Scientists
11519-1011.00Animal Scientists Bright Outlook
11519-2012.00Physicists Bright Outlook
11419-2031.00Chemists Bright Outlook
11519-1042.00Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists Bright Outlook
11419-1022.00Microbiologists Bright Outlook
11519-3039.02Neuropsychologists Bright Outlook
11519-3094.00Political Scientists Bright Outlook
11419-1023.00Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists
11319-4031.00Chemical Technicians
11519-1041.00Epidemiologists Bright Outlook
11419-2032.00Materials Scientists Bright Outlook
11519-3022.00Survey Researchers
11519-2011.00Astronomers Bright Outlook
11519-3039.03Clinical Neuropsychologists Bright Outlook
11519-3034.00School Psychologists
11519-1029.01Bioinformatics Scientists
11519-3011.01Environmental Economists Bright Outlook
11413-1082.00Project Management Specialists Bright Outlook
11519-1029.02Molecular and Cellular Biologists
11319-4092.00Forensic Science Technicians Bright Outlook
11419-2099.01Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists
11419-4042.00Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health Bright Outlook
11319-4012.00Agricultural Technicians Bright Outlook
11519-1013.00Soil and Plant Scientists Bright Outlook
11519-3091.00Anthropologists and Archeologists
11519-2042.00Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers Bright Outlook